Saturday, February 3, 2007

The Quiet Things That No One Wants To Know..

The title for this is inspired by the culture itself here in South Africa. Walking is the only mode of transportation available for more than 80 percent of the population here in South Africa. It truly is not imaginable for us that live in the states. People spend their literal day, retreiving water from a well 15 or 20 miles away. That is it. Their sole purpose in the day is getting water and bringing it back. Sometimes they will get water from a well infested with ecoli and dyptheria but to them it is life, and there is no other way. Its something that I as a spoiled californian look at and say...its just not logical. Well it isnt...But logic is not something that is valued so highly here. Something that supports that is the AIDS epidemic. Do you know that 45 out of the 47 patience here in the clinic in Polokwane, South Africa are HIV positive? Do you know that most Teens in the villages are pregnant by 14 and probably have AIDS already? did you know that the witch doctors here prescribe an aids ridden patience the cure of raping a baby to rid themselves of the disease that pleagues them? Welcome Africa, but most of all, welcome to Satans play pen. There are more demonic posessions here in one day than there are in the States for a decade. Witch doctors grab small children and grind their bones up to make something called "smruti" which is a remedy for sickness. Want to know the sad thing about it? Everyone knows about one one tries to stop anyone. Welcome to Satans abode. Welcome to the most wicked place you can imagine.

Its not like the movies, they dont where white makeup and walk around villages casting spells (they can, but its not common) they are just regular people that everyone looks to, and sadly follows. It is flat out Evil...Pure and simple, Africa is a dwelling of the Devil and he is welcomed with open arms by the people here. So instead of thinking about that poor child on tv that has no food in Mozambique, pray for his soul, because no amount of paup or meat will ever last for eternity. Please just pray for these people...They are lost...they are so sickened by satan, and they dont see it. They kill their own, they die in vain, and sadly they die in mass quantity. It is common for a family to lose 1 family member a year. The life expectancy in the villages surrounding polokwane is 47 right now. this place is more ways than one.

Now that I have gotten that off my chest, its time to give a bit of an update. I am doing well, and enjoying seminary classes. I have also gotten the opportunity to get closer to the youth in the last couple of weeks. Its been wonderful, thank you for all your prayers. Tommorow I am going to be singing an accapella duet for worship which will be interesting because I never have sung acapella before. Tonight we will go to the Pastors house for a staff dinner, which gives all the youth a great opportunity to talk and unite. Also tommorow I will be teaching sunday school to the 5th 6th and 7th graders at church so please pray that the God would just touch these childrens souls, as maybe 1 of them is saved. And of course the big event of february. We will be going over to another missionaries' house to watch the superbowl live at 1:30 am on monday morning. GO BEARS!

Ok thats it for now, I will update again either tommorow or monday with pictures. May God bless you all abundantly

Benjamin Coussens

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